Rags Marketing Materials

Govanhill Baths set up this social enterprise two years ago. I has taken that long for Rags to get a separate sense of self, I think we are starting to get there. After an inspired chat with B yesterday, I really got the impression that she now has a clear idea of what the project *is* rather than what it should be and that's great ! So many Enterprises start out with a big vision, wanting to do it all ... only for reality to set in when they haven't figured out who's sweeping the floor and paying for the milk ... I digress ... just lovely to see things starting to become more concrete ! Beautiful ! Anyway, here's my wee flyer that hopefully will help celebrate who Rags indeed are! flyer2R_Page_1 Watch this space for information on my "Make your own Pouffe" workshop, hopefully they will be ready for the Christmas Fair !

Alive "O"

Alive "O" is a new business, always great to start with a blank canvas ! They produce Kombucha infused with tea, it's a live pro-biotic drink which is said to have health giving properties - although I don't think I'm allowed to say that :) Based in Ireland - hence the name, taken from the Dubliners Song ! They aim to launch their product in local Food & Farmers market to which are enjoying a renaissance at the moment.

The font used is Museo, which was chosen for the distinctive V  - arms open and outstretched to the healing properties of nature. The artwork fizzes and looks refreshing much like the drinks themselves. Looking forward to Alive "O" being widely available soon, it is rather moreish !

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Resourceful Mum

The Daily Record (Scotland) featured an article with me and the kids ! All about making do and mending. Who would've thought that putting a hem on your kids trousers could be headline news, but apparently that's how de-skilled we've become. We have to "turn people on" to the idea of consuming less ! Here's hoping it reaches those it needs to !

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Junko Oki

Junko Oki

Didn't realise that this was a person, thought it was the name of a style. I've learned something today at least, she is a textile artist and calls her work Woky Shoten which means "free movement of line to make repetitive pattern". This is quite a simple piece, check out her blog for the full complex array.



Civilization and its Discontents


Elana Herzog

Supposed to have my Mind on the Money and Money on my Mind at the moment. So why is it that I can't stop thinking about art ? Nature of Mind, wandering off into beautiful distractions on the pretext of something more substantial than job applications ! My wanderings have taken me to the wonderful insubstantiality of Elana Herzog. This piece says it all Civilization and it's Discontents.  It's all connected, it will inform my Upcyling research and exhibition somehow. 11_b_2

Tauba Auerbach

Colour Research I'm at the research stage for a client, you know that bit looking when you are looking for inspiration and trying to gain a better understanding of them and their field (vision) in this case. Stumbled upon the work of this artist Tauba Auerbach, brilliant, precise and quirky all at the same time. Seriously smitten x

RGB Colorspace Atlas
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Auerglass Organ



0243_E Auerglass Organ (c) Max Farago-Tauba-Auerbach-large

I rock ... apparently !

I rock It's been a long haul, with many distractions and I'm not even half way there. But the portfolio is taking shape. Whilst archiving  my work I came across possibly the best client feedback ever ! "You rock" nothing more needs said, but if you'd like to find out more about this story, check out the identity section of this blog. purdi7

Rag Tag

I am excited about this project as it is close to my heart, and to my house.

Rags to Riches will focus on the upcyling of materials handed in to the Govanhill Baths Trust Charity shop. The shop's aim was initially to reduce their amount of donations that go straight to recycling.  Instead of shredding "rags" and they aim to create new garments or household objects from the reclaimed materials. They have  now opened a separate workshop with a dedicated space for training up project participants in basic sewing skills & pattern cutting.

Walking through the door sends me all aflutter, vintage sewing patterns; shelves with fabric sorted into colours; jars of cotton thread, again colour coded;  bins of  "treasure" aka scraps! My kinda place!

Creating the "Tag"

The design solution took the Govanhill Baths Trust logo as a starting point. It was important  for them that it looked like a sister project !

To make the circle look like a button, I added a double edge. I took the R's and mirrored them to look like a bow at the centre of the button. I love that it challenges the way you view things. Two R's , a bow or a butterfly ? When looked at creatively, a rag becomes a useful resource and through a process of change the caterpillar becomes the beautiful butterfly. The post of the R is a roman numeral 2, a pun on the "to" at the centre, or can be seen as a stitch holding the button on.

The bow/ butterfly on it's own will be used as a fabric stamp. Watch this space for shop signage, fabric stamps & general brand development. I hope that this is a stamp that locals will proudly wear, marking them out as individuals who care about waste, craftsmanship & have an eye for something uniquely beautiful !

Smashing Free Fonts

Being a small enterprise and working mainly for charities - with little or no budget - means having to trawl for free stuff images and fonts mainly. Hours can pass trying to find a well designed font. The lovely people @ Smashing Magazine have taken away some of the legwork by publishing a list of top free fonts. In my humble opinion they have a very good eye ! Expect to see a modified Otama e.p element[ pictured below] featured in an identity I'm doing for the Govanhill Baths Trust.

I love a bit of 50's kitsch! Lavanderia[below] is based on the fonts used in laundrette's in the San Francisco area. The font is designed by  JAMES T. EDMONDSON  [Student at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.]  Now I have to find an excuse to use it .... mmmmm.

I can see Mosaic Leaf font below being used with one of my environmental clients. The typeface is free to use in commercial and non-commercial projects. Designed and prepared by Lukasz Kulakowski and Zbyszek Czapnik. I love the fact that the font is free but they encourage you to support them through non monetary gifts such as sweets or books. If I do get 'round to using it'll be fun thinking up an appropriate gift !

Anatomy of a Bodhi

Bodhi Eco Project is a charity with a range of activities that aim to empower us to live sustainably and harmoniously with each other and with this precious, living planet. One of their main projects is the design and build of an Eco Village.

The group's ethics & name are rooted in Buddhism. The Bodhi tree being the tree under which the historical Buddha gained enlightenment. The leaf of the Bodhi tree resembles a heart which is the key to living mindfully - it could even be said that you live heartfully. The spirals in the tree depict the "spiral path" of the Buddhist journey, but also reference celtic imagery and the fact that Bodhi are a scottish charity which was also important to the group.

The artwork was used on letterheads, business cards, reusable envelope labels, t-shirts & canvas tote bags and printed up as large banners for events. All printwork used 100% recycled paper.

Plants are good for you ... it's official !

I am so happy right now. I stumbled upon "The China Study"  by T.Colin Campbell in my local charity shop. It's funny how life delivers what you need in times of need. I had been stressing about our veggie family particularly my eldest. Recently all the children seem to be overtaking her in height at school. She has gone from being one of the tallest in her class to now being below average. I instantly started doubting our vegetarian diet.

When I picked up the China Study it instantly put me at ease. He spoke of man's obsession with "big" - taller, thick bones, heavier and bigger stature. Big equalling protein and protein equalling meat. The more meat we consume, the bigger we get but not necessarily healthier. From his 30 year research programme it would seem that animal protein accelerates many diseases including many that are perceived as genetic rather than linked with diet. Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, Arthritis, Heart Disease and most types of cancer. It blew my mind that bone density has very little to do with bone strength and likelihood of fractures in later life.

So whilst animal protein may accelerate the growth of my daughter's classmates, they will most likely reach puberty before her. She will continue to grow at a steady pace and reach her genetic potential. I knew this of course ! It's just good to hear the scientific evidence. We are so programmed into thinking that meat & dairy are the key to healthy growing children, that even a long-term vegetarian has a wobble from time to time.

For further info go to T.Colin Campbell's site >> enter

StitchUP love in

Next week - Thurs 9th - is our 7th stitchUP session ! I plan to continue with my no sew rag rug, but I'm also looking for ideas for the kids to do. With it being feb I'd thought I'd look at some simple valentines crafts for kids. I will adapt so that the materials used are recycled. Here's a great idea for kids to learn some simple crochet technique >

Here's the tutorial for loveheart bookmarks >>

There are several variations on a theme for the woven loveheart basket. They can be made with thin card or stiff fabric. I like the tutorial for this one, it's thorough and simple to do >>

Follow the step by step instructions >>

I thought this project might be good for some of the older kids who have grasped the crochet basics and want to learn the double and treble stitches >>

Here's the "how to" from One Sheepish Girl >>