Eco Egg


This month my bid to make small lifestyle changes for "the greater good" has seen the purchase of Jason everyday shampoo and an Eco Egg for the laundry.

To be fair the purchase of a daily shampoo possibly wasn't the best idea. The rational behind it was that it would be mild enough to use with the children, so I wouldn't have to buy a second shampoo for them. The kids are fine, but unfortunately after two days I look like I've been dipped in a chip pan ! Not a good look ! I now remember why I stopped using Jason before, will have to do a bit of research on the topic. It's expensive doing the trial and error method!

The Eco Egg on the other hand seems to be a winner ! The initial challenge was Kim from "the telly" endorsement and then my own skepticism. How could this possibly work?!

It's now week 2, unbelievably it seems to work ! The kids have actually commented that they like the smell of their clothes. This *really* is a triumph - we have been using Ecover for years - as the sight of my daughter nuzzling her face into the clothes rail at charity shops, asking why our clothes don't smell this nice has always made me feel uncomfortable! Strange that ! As yet I haven't road tested it with my 2 year old's food stained clothing. It does recommend using a stain remover on tough stains so will invest in Ecover stain remover which I've used in the past and has work a treat not only on clothes but also on carpets.

Next challenge, to find an effect natural clothes dye ... perhaps a job for some left over beetroot soup ? heh heh

Beetroot Soup

This soup was a bit of a hit this week - I'm sad to say, only with adults ! It is a simple variation of a few recipes I've tried over the years - I found the traditional Borsch recipes a bit complex, vinegar, sour cream, breadcrumbs ... you name it, I've seen it added to Borsch! The main thing is to get a red/purple veggies in there for colour. I don't do onion so have used leek & celery to mimic the texture.

Ingredients :

Bunch  Beetroot [ approx 6 medium sized]

Red cabbage [1/2]

Celery [2 sticks]

Carrot [1 large]

Potato [medium baking size potato]

Bouillon powder [3tsp]

Creamed tomato [approx 350g carton]

Makes around six generous helpings.

Simply chop veg, saute in some vegetable oil for approx 5 minutes then add enough stock to cover veg. Bring to the boil and simmer until all the veg soft. Add carton of tomatoes and heat through. Whizz up with hand blender. Have as it is or garnish with sour cream and fresh chives. Delicious

Loop latest

Loop Recycling

I have been working on and off with Loop for the best part of 15 years. Together we have created everything from websites, van signage, stationery, posters, a photo journal concept, to christmas cards. Loop are great to work with, they "get design"  and understand the important role it plays in communicating their company values.

Evolving Buddhist Design

The Glasgow Buddhist Centre

I first learned to meditate @ the GBC around 20 years ago, it's therefor close to my heart ! We began our redesign around five years ago. Our initial design work was simple, bold and using only two colours. The artwork reflected a need to communicate the centre's urban environment. Images were of actual people who attended the centre and the form the design reflected the Tenement houses the centre. We created a long programme which would stand head and shoulders above all other leaflets in the display, the  cut off corner revealed a dharmachakra rising over the rooftop.

With a new Director and a pilgrimage under their belts, the centre now wanted to develop their existing design. The new artwork now became infused with reference to the "historical Buddha" and his Indian origins. The form of the programme was now a booklet;  full colour; rich imagery and had a bit of a theme. Each programme depicts an animal from the five mandalas. The Elephant represents wisdom, the Lion equanimity/enlightenment, the Horse generosity, the Peacock compassion and the Eagle fearlessness.

I look forward to the next design incarnation !

The Glad Eye from Ruby

Ruby Love Photography

I love the expression "To give someone the Glad Eye" meaning to give someone a loving look. I think this applies very well to Denise,  who set up Ruby Love Photography last year. She seems to apply her loving gaze to everything around her. Yes I've even seen her work her magic on a lamp post - setting sun, lamp post ... you get the idea !?

When we met she was unsure of what she wanted. Through a process of getting to know her unique outlook, and trying out a few mood boards & looks it quickly became clear what the final identity would look like. We took inspiration from tattoo art, a sprinkling of 50's kitsch with a contemporary finish. I love the flexibility of the design, a few colour changes or pairing with different images can create a whole new look.

Visit the Ruby Love Blog [this will open in a new window / tab]

January Food Overview

We got issues !

Food is a huge challenge in our home ! A real headache! We are veggie, have 3 kids, I'm wheat intolerant and Mr.M is just generally intolerant. He says he doesn't mind anything, serve it by the bucket load and he'll eat it ! Anytime I broach the subject of nutrition, he sites our respective Grandparents who grew up on bread crusts, nibbling on coal and the yule tide  piece of fruit !

By way of inspiration, I bought Mr.M  The Meat Free Monday  cook book for christmas. I'm not a fan of Paul & or Linda (although if were to try to trace it back it would possibly stem from arguments at home. My tie dye wearing parents could get quite heated around the topic of musical tastes. Hair and beads swishing dangerously above us. Accusations of fancying the "smoothey" Paul. My Dad being the musician would therefore always have the upper-hand! So Captain Beefheart would trump The Beatles any day of the week.) However, I bought said book  for its appealing layout and information design.

It's a lovely looking book. It's  laid out per day and by season, so each page has a recipe for breakfast lunch and dinner made with seasonal produce.

Mr.M is struggling with the notion of cooking for our very fussy family. I'm afraid the beautiful book was languishing, so I had to rescue it from his "to read pile".

Super Veg Salad

I cooked the Super vegetable salad which was delicious. Basically steamed veg with a sweet vinaigrette dressing. It was a hit with two out of the three kids.

Yay! from adults and kids alike!

Dressing: 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 1 tsp maple syrup (I used agave nectar)

Polenta Bread

The polenta bread was really tasty although I left out the chillies for the kids and added extra sour cream and egg as the mixture was terribly dry and didn't really "pour" from the bowl. If I were to do again I'd possibly cut back on the sweetcorn a bit too. However, I had friends 'round who tucked into it straight away and weren't shy about going in for seconds. Unfortunately, the kids exclaimed "YUK!" on sight and there was little I could do to talk them into a nibble.

So thumbs up from adults, YUK from the kids !

Polenta Bread: chop fine 1 green & 1 red chilli. Slice 6 spring onions. Fry for a couple of mins. Put into a bowl, add 340g drained tinned sweetcorn and 2 tbsps finely chopped fresh coriander. Mix 2 eggs with 120ml soured cream add to bowl. Add 174g of polenta & 21/2 tsps of baking powder. then 180g of grated cheese. Season. Bake for 35-40 min @ 180c test with skewer.

Chocolate Birthday Cake

My baby turned two this month so we celebrated with a easy choc cake decorated with strawberries. I made the recipe with Doves plain flour I'm not sure if this has an impact ? It rose fine but the kids & Mr. M conclude that all my cakes have a "Hamster cage" after-taste ! Hrumpf ! So I think next time I'll try more sugar or perhaps brown sugar for flavour, and leave out the hamster of course !!

Burns supper

What would january be without a Burns nosh up. I've been a bit shy at putting on an "event" as such. The last proper one I hosted ended with everyone barely being able to move for fear of being sick. The food was delicious mind you but portion sizes huge and all seemed incapable of saying no to the half litre of Cranachan I served up. So heed my warning, these recipes are delicious but go easy on the portions.

Here's a link to an ode to a veggie haggis [will open in a new window /tab]

Vegetarian Haggis

  • 100g/4oz onion, peeled & finely chopped
  • 15ml/1tbsp sunflower oil
  • 50g/2oz carrots, very finely
  • chopped
  • 35g/11/2 oz mushrooms, finely chopped
  • 50g/2oz red lentils
  • 600ml/1pint vegetable stock
  • 25g/1oz mashed, tinned red kidney beans
  • 35g/11/2 oz ground peanuts
  • 25g/1oz ground hazelnuts
  • 30ml/2tbsp shoyu ( soy sauce)
  • 15ml/1tbsp lemon juice
  • 7.5ml/11/2tsp dried thyme
  • 5ml/1tsp dried rosemary
  • generous pinch cayenne pepper
  • 7.5ml/11/2 tsp mixed spice
  • 200g/8oz fine oatmeal
  • Freshly ground black pepper

1. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C, 375°F or Gas Mark 5

2. Sauté the onion in the oil for 5 minutes, then add the carrot and mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes.

3. Now add the lentils and three quarters of the stock.

4. Blend the mashed red kidney beans in the remaining stock, add these to the pan with the nuts, shoyu, lemon juice and seasonings.Cook everything, well mixed together, for a further 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Then add the oatmeal, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15 to 20 minutes, adding a little extra liquid if necessary.

6. Turn the mixture into a lightly oiled 1lb loaf tin and bake for 30 minutes.

7. Serve with mashed neeps and tatties.

New Year, nothing new !

Usually with hindsight you can begin to see the threads of your life come together , a story starts to emerge. 2011 seemed a bit of a blur. I had a baby that didn't sleep through,I was doing the "forty something" reflection on life and I then started up a sewing "Upcyling" group.

When I started hosting stitchUP , it was to rekindle my love of the handmade, get out of the house and meet people but also to take a look at fashion - namely "What am I wearing?". Years of motherhood had taken it's toll Cacharel had been usurped by catch-a-snot.  Jeans and perma- cardi covered in various baby goo was now my uniform ! I had a wardrobe of clothes that I eventually had to accept would never fit me again.

When I began to think about fashion my initial response was panic. I didn't have time to put in the hours pouring over fashion mags & certainly didn't have the money to keep up. Last week's top trend was this week's fashion no no.  Surely this couldn't be ?!... I experienced the "solyent green" horror moment ... fashion was eating itself !!! Consumption at it's most ridiculous!

According to DEFRA (click here to link to sustainable clothing report) two million tonnes of clothing are bought in the Uk per yer, with the discount clothing (low cost, short life-span) making up 20% of the market. They also state 50% of all clothing ends up in landfill.

The life span of a garment from creating the resources;  farming cotton; dyeing fabrics; manufacturing materials wastage; distribution; product life-span, laundering and inevitable disposal there are very few areas where there are no adverse effects on the environment.

With this in mind, I aim to explore over the next year ways in which I can rethink my relationship to the clothes that I wear and their environmental impact.



I can refuse to buy new clothes.

I can buy secondhand from websites, vintage boutiques, clothes swaps & charity shops.

I can refuse to buy clothes that have a high impact on the environment.

I can refuse to buy clothes that can't be recycled.


I can reduce the amount of clothing I buy

I can reduce the energy I use in laundering

I can reduce the amount of detergents I use

I can reduce the amount of clothing I need by repairing worn & damaged items


I can grow my  reuse skills through practice & research

I can refashion garments that I no longer wear

I can give away garments to be reused by others


I can recycle all materials where possible

I can choose materials that are easily recycled

I can choose where & how & by whom they are recycled - a choice which benefits both the environment & charity & not big business.

This is the beginning of my story for 2012 !


feet Cobblers

We all know the saying about the Cobblers Kids having no shoes ! Well yours truly has been involved with web design since waay back and has had no online presence. I remember having to create graphics in 256 colours and watching in awe at the first animated gif stutter across the screen... appropriately I think it was a snail ! The truth is that I've been kinda busy ... cobblers I hear you cry !

So today is the first day of laying out what I've been doing, what I am going to do and what I put my life's energy into.

One day it'll all become clear !