Civilization and its Discontents


Elana Herzog

Supposed to have my Mind on the Money and Money on my Mind at the moment. So why is it that I can't stop thinking about art ? Nature of Mind, wandering off into beautiful distractions on the pretext of something more substantial than job applications ! My wanderings have taken me to the wonderful insubstantiality of Elana Herzog. This piece says it all Civilization and it's Discontents.  It's all connected, it will inform my Upcyling research and exhibition somehow. 11_b_2

Tauba Auerbach

Colour Research I'm at the research stage for a client, you know that bit looking when you are looking for inspiration and trying to gain a better understanding of them and their field (vision) in this case. Stumbled upon the work of this artist Tauba Auerbach, brilliant, precise and quirky all at the same time. Seriously smitten x

RGB Colorspace Atlas
2011 0286_A Red Composite-Tauba-Auerbach-large




Auerglass Organ


0243_E Auerglass Organ (c) Max Farago-Tauba-Auerbach-large