Rags Marketing Materials

Govanhill Baths set up this social enterprise two years ago. I has taken that long for Rags to get a separate sense of self, I think we are starting to get there. After an inspired chat with B yesterday, I really got the impression that she now has a clear idea of what the project *is* rather than what it should be and that's great ! So many Enterprises start out with a big vision, wanting to do it all ... only for reality to set in when they haven't figured out who's sweeping the floor and paying for the milk ... I digress ... just lovely to see things starting to become more concrete ! Beautiful ! Anyway, here's my wee flyer that hopefully will help celebrate who Rags indeed are! flyer2R_Page_1 Watch this space for information on my "Make your own Pouffe" workshop, hopefully they will be ready for the Christmas Fair !

Alive "O"

Alive "O" is a new business, always great to start with a blank canvas ! They produce Kombucha infused with tea, it's a live pro-biotic drink which is said to have health giving properties - although I don't think I'm allowed to say that :) Based in Ireland - hence the name, taken from the Dubliners Song ! They aim to launch their product in local Food & Farmers market to which are enjoying a renaissance at the moment.

The font used is Museo, which was chosen for the distinctive V  - arms open and outstretched to the healing properties of nature. The artwork fizzes and looks refreshing much like the drinks themselves. Looking forward to Alive "O" being widely available soon, it is rather moreish !

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