Plants are good for you ... it's official !

I am so happy right now. I stumbled upon "The China Study"  by T.Colin Campbell in my local charity shop. It's funny how life delivers what you need in times of need. I had been stressing about our veggie family particularly my eldest. Recently all the children seem to be overtaking her in height at school. She has gone from being one of the tallest in her class to now being below average. I instantly started doubting our vegetarian diet.

When I picked up the China Study it instantly put me at ease. He spoke of man's obsession with "big" - taller, thick bones, heavier and bigger stature. Big equalling protein and protein equalling meat. The more meat we consume, the bigger we get but not necessarily healthier. From his 30 year research programme it would seem that animal protein accelerates many diseases including many that are perceived as genetic rather than linked with diet. Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, Arthritis, Heart Disease and most types of cancer. It blew my mind that bone density has very little to do with bone strength and likelihood of fractures in later life.

So whilst animal protein may accelerate the growth of my daughter's classmates, they will most likely reach puberty before her. She will continue to grow at a steady pace and reach her genetic potential. I knew this of course ! It's just good to hear the scientific evidence. We are so programmed into thinking that meat & dairy are the key to healthy growing children, that even a long-term vegetarian has a wobble from time to time.

For further info go to T.Colin Campbell's site >> enter