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Rags Marketing Materials

Govanhill Baths set up this social enterprise two years ago. I has taken that long for Rags to get a separate sense of self, I think we are starting to get there. After an inspired chat with B yesterday, I really got the impression that she now has a clear idea of what the project *is* rather than what it should be and that's great ! So many Enterprises start out with a big vision, wanting to do it all ... only for reality to set in when they haven't figured out who's sweeping the floor and paying for the milk ... I digress ... just lovely to see things starting to become more concrete ! Beautiful ! Anyway, here's my wee flyer that hopefully will help celebrate who Rags indeed are! flyer2R_Page_1 Watch this space for information on my "Make your own Pouffe" workshop, hopefully they will be ready for the Christmas Fair !