Bodhi Eco Project

Bodhi Eco project,  are a charity which encourages, “mindful living”.

As well as having a grand aim of, building an Eco Village. The group seeks to raise, awareness around the ecological & social changes we, face today,  in an aim to empower people and, communities with the tools to live sustainably and, harmoniously with one another.

The project is underpinned by Buddhist Ethics and practices.

The name Bodhi,  is the tree under which the Buddha became, awaken / enlightened to the nature of reality. This became my starting point - a tree. Spirals are an important symbol in Buddhism,  as the represent , the path of awakening. 

The spiral features in Celtic art, and as the group are based in Scotland it felt like a relevant  graphic theme. The leaf of the Bodhi tree is  almost a love-heart shape,  so, the tree itself,  symbolises compassion / awakening and, embarking on a more “mindful journey” through life.

Recycled papers were used and vegetable inks.

The `identity" was, received well by the group. They went on to produce T-shirts;, tote bags; reusable envelope stickers and various other items, to be used at events and workshops.

Design Outputs:

  • Logomark & braning
  • Stationery
  • Businesscards
  • Trifold Information Leaflet
  • Tote bag
  • Banner
  • Reusable labels for envelopes