Alive "O"

Alive "O" is a new start based in Dublin, you may have picked up on that from it's name taken from the Dubliners Song ?

They brew Kombucha drinks infused with tea flavours.

The probiotic drinks claim to have health giving properties everything from digestive disorders to anti-cancer. Director Dougal is a real champion of nature's ability to heal. He is an advocate of raw and live food , the passion with which he talks about the subject is quite infectious.


Design brief :

Health, tea, probiotic, energy and bubbles.

My starting point was a the yogic stance of arms open to the universe. I chose the font Museo, which is a slab font and looks like little hands coming out from up stretched arms. Bright natural colours, to give a clean fresh & healthy look - with the Kombucha font being in earthy tones to represent the mushroom itself. I already have people asking me where they can get their hands on the stuff so that's a good sign ! Watch this space for launch date and further merchandise !

Design Outputs :

  • Logomark
  • Labels for drinks bottles